We would like to correct the wrong impression created by the Red pepper story of today titled “M7 Guard cited in Works Engineer Murder.”
The story alleged that the murder of Eng. Patrick Balamu Bisuti was carried out by a solider attached to Special Forces Command (SFC).
The story is totally false and baseless.
The evidence that we have gathered so far does not point towards any military personnel involved in the murder.
The leads we are following do not even point towards Special Force Command.
The evidence so far gathered does not implicate or link any member of the Armed Forces but towards a criminal gang.
Yesterday, we visited the deceased’s former place of work (Ministry of Works) and we have lined up a few staff for interrogations.
It is, therefore, erroneous and misleading for anyone to suggest that Special Forces Command is involved in the murder.
Judith Nabakooba
Police Spokesperson
Uganda Police Force
06 November, 2013.