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The territorial police in Bukedi South and Busia CPS are actively investigating circumstances under which Customs and Law enforcement Personnel, were attacked while on lawful duty, on the 12.3.2024 at around 11:30am, in Busia town. The facts gathered indicate that URA customs officials under the protective cover of the UPDF, carried out on intelligence led operation and recovered drugs that were smuggled at the home of Ibra alias Paskali, in Arubaine “A” vvillage, Busia district.

While returning with the smuggled goods, they were confronted by an angry mob, which started throwing stones at them. The task team called for reinforcement and more security personnel from the Counter Terrorism and UPDF, responded swiftly from the URA Customs Office. To curb the volatile situation, the Joint Security Task Team fired warning shots in the air and dispersed the crowds.

It was however, unfortunate that during the crowd dispersal, a one Ojiambo Dickson, a 14 year old, male juvenile, sustained a bullet wound in the stomach area. The victim was rushed to Busia Health Centre IV, for First Aid, and transferred to Mbale Hospital for further Management, where he is progressing well and out of danger. Several cartridges were recovered. The victim was also issued with police medical forms to ascertain the degree of injuries.

We want to caution the public against the continuous smuggling of goods and the aggressive behavior towards Customs and Law Enforcement personnel on duty. The angry mob threw stones and injured officers without provocation. That kind of violence must stop.  These officers serve their country with honor, vigilance and professionalism, amidst significant risks. They put their lives on the line everyday to protect our country, and when they are attacked, expect us to respond swiftly. Efforts are in place, to arrest the suspects and vigorously prosecute them.

SCP Enanga Fred

Police Spokesperson

18th March 2024



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